Is your life in overflow?

Kyle Sadler   -  


During this impactful season of ministry, I wanted to share some heart thoughts. Our connection to God is at the core of our ministry’s power, and I’m convinced this year is all about overflow. This information has been communicated to our entire leadership team, and now I would like to bring it to the rest of our church.

1. Our personal connection to God will determine the power of our ministry.

In John 15:5, Jesus stresses staying connected with Him. It’s not a one-time deal but a continuous, intimate connection. Let’s anchor ourselves in Christ for strength and stability as we dive into ministry.

2. Our spiritual overflow is the beginning of our ministry.

Our ministry’s strength lies in our spiritual overflow. Reflect on your connection to God. If it feels lacking, it’s time to refocus. Our love for people is tied to our connection with God. Feeling disconnected? It’s a sign our spiritual connection needs attention.

3. Our quiet time with God fuels our ministry time to people.

Our cup is filled in the quiet moments with God. Prioritize Bible reading, prayer, and worship. What dominates your mind? Stresses or the goodness of God? A strong quiet time fuels our connection with God, flowing into our interactions with others.

4. Our overflowing faith will be caught by those who want it.

Our church’s call is to see people become devoted followers of Jesus. God’s shown Anna and me that 2024 is a year of overflow, starting with us. Imagine the impact when our entire church overflows with spiritual connection.

Let’s commit to nurturing our personal connection with God, fostering transformation, and letting our overflow inspire those we lead. As we deepen our roots, our ministry will naturally bear more fruit.